Pollution: The effects on Our Health, Future and Environment

By Aishath Sara Ahmed
Pollution: The effects on Our Health, Future and Environment

Pollution is the presence of harmful materials in the environment. Pollution is a major issue that affects the health of people and the environment. The effects of pollution affect not only human health but also the future of the planet. The harmful materials present in the environment are called pollutants. Pollutants can be natural or created by human activity such as volcanic ash, or burning of fossil fuels. Pollutants damage the quality of air, water and land.

Pollution can affect us in many ways. When we breathe in the pollutants in the air, they can enter our bloodstream and cause breathing and lung diseases which lead to hospitalization, cancer or premature deaths. Soil pollution affects the fertility of the soil, which puts food security at risk. Eating the contaminated food grown in the contaminated soil jeopardizes our health. Studies show that more than 50 types of diseases are caused by the poor quality of drinking water. Water pollution causes diarrhoea, malnutrition, skin disease and even cancer.

Pollution affects the environment in many ways. Air pollution damages trees and crops in a lot of ways. It can Harm animals. The rising pollution of the environment can cause damage to their respiratory systems, induce skin irritations and even be a reason for neurological and fertility problems. Air pollution will also have a damaging impact on the quality of soil and water, which will harm wildlife and existing ecosystems. Air pollution can also lead up to global warming, which is a threat to the future.

Five Ways that We can Reduce Pollution are:

1.  Minimize air pollution from vehicles:

Road Transport is one of the biggest emitters of nitrogen oxides. Nitrogen Oxide has a big effect on healthy lung development. One of the most effective ways is to avoid driving your car and walk or use public transport to get to your destination.

2.  Save Energy:

In 2016, the International Energy Agency released a report with the key statement “Air pollution is an Energy problem.” When burning fossil fuels for energy, we release pollutants such as Sulphur dioxide, Carbon Dioxide, Mercury, etc.

3. Recycle:

Each stage of manufacture from raw materials creates a lot of polluting particles, chemicals and greenhouse gasses. Since recycled items have been processed once, making the same product again will use much less energy and won't pollute as much.

4. Use air purifiers:

If you live in an area with bad outdoor air quality, you can use an air purifier to minimize the risk of breathing polluted air. For example, a two year study in Salt Lake City has found that air purifiers have reduced polluted air by 55% in the observed households.

5. Plant trees:

Trees help to reduce air pollutants. Researchers from the University of Southampton in London checked how much pollutants were removed by trees. Trees remove between 850 to     2,000 tons of harmful particles from the urban air each year.

Pollution is a global issue that affects human health, the environment and the future of the planet. It is essential to take steps to reduce pollution levels, including reducing how much we use fossil fuels and improving waste management. By working together to reduce pollution levels, we can help to ensure a healthier future for ourselves and future generations.








Author Biography

Aishath Sara Ahmed is an 11 year old girl who lives in Male’ Maldives. She is a 6th grader studying at Aminiya School. She is also taking part in the Leaders of Tomorrow Programme, the Coding and Creative Thinking Programme and the Creative English Programme by theCircle of Ugail Foundation. She also loves reading books and playing games.

Aishath Sara Ahmed

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Aishath Sara Ahmed, Pollution: The effects on Our Health, Future and Environment, theCircle Composition, Volume 4, (2023). Pollution: The effects on Our Health, Future and Environment - theCircle Composition